Boom Goes the Dynamite

Coach Peter and I just returned from the Two Bain Business Summit in Chicago. It’s two days packed full of the world’s leading speakers on fitness business, micro-gym owners and their mentors. This year was Pete’s second year attending the summit and my third year attending, but my first year as a presenter and mentor for Two Brain.

I used to have a love/hate relationship with seminars and workshops. You can learn a lot of principles and get a lot of great Ideas. The problem with this is precisely that. It’s too much. The dilemma with attending workshops is the same one we experience with internet access and social media. There are so many ways of doing something. The overwhelming amount of paths to one goal paralyze us.

A good coach and mentor are similar in that our value isn’t in giving you lots of good ideas. Our value is that we will them filter down to the one or two that will make a difference for you. Then, we’ll hold you accountable to it.

The Two Brain Summit is great because, in all of the topics presented, the presenters gave clear and specific instructions on how to take action on what we covered over the weekend. At the end of the summit, the final presentation was all about taking just ONE thing and pushing it forward until you’ve made real progress on it.

When lumberjacks would fell trees, they would transport the downed logs by floating them downriver. Doing this would end up in the occasional log jam (which I could totally make some poop jokes about, but won’t) that would need to be cleared to get the logs moving again. A lumberjack could walk out to a small jam and kick it free. But a large jam would need more energy. To free it up, a man would toss a lit stick of dynamite into the center of the jam.

The jam would be blasted free, and the lumberjacks would let the river rage.

We all get jammed up… with ideas.

There are lots of ways to lose 20 lbs or get off of blood pressure medicine. The most important plan is the one that you will do. Your coach can kick the jam free or even blast it wide open and then filter your the ideas, tactics, and methods of reaching your goal, down to real action that will move you closer to it.

A coach is a valuable resource. I even have one for my own businesses.

If you feel like your a little jammed up, reach out and let us help you clear it.

If your “dynamite” isn’t us, consider your options and ask yourself “Is this going to help me clear up my ideas and options, or is it just another log to add to the jam?”

This entire post has NOT been a poop joke.


Abuse, and CrossFit

Jeanie sat across the consult office from me; her eyes watered as my clients were laughing and warming up outside the open door. I’d asked

You Don’t Have Time to Read This

Everybody has time- Whatever we build with that time will cost us our lives. Dive with me into the stagnant pond of my mind. Below


Talk with a coach about your goals. Get the plan to achieve them.


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