Measure It

Years ago, In a regular gym, a squat was whatever you wanted it to be. Some people squatted below parallel, others put 300 on the bar and did what looked like a clip from Cyote Ugly. You could get 100lbs stronger if you just go an inch shallower on the next rep! Not very practical or helpful If we want to prove we are getting better.

A squat here is “hip crease below the knee and standing up all the way every time”. If we do 20 squats in 30 seconds and then in a month, did 23. We know we got fitter. We got stronger, we got faster and better.

CrossFit made fitness measurable. Measurement made the first real definition of fitness possible.

With something that powerful at our disposal, we want to make sure we use it to its fullest capacity. Here are 3 ways to make sure you you’re getting the most out of it.

Rx vs. Scaled
Make sure that you don’t throw Sugarwod’s tracking capabilities off by logging a workout in the wrong category. Rx means “As prescribed” or as written in Sugarwod.

Rx Diane is 21-15-9 deadlifts @ 225/155 lbs and handstand pushups *head to the ground (or level with the hands on a pad) in the bottom and elbow locked out with feet on the wall at the top.

Scaled Diane would be any deviation from that. This means lighter load, fewer reps, using mats on the hspu or doing pike push-ups. This also means if you change any of these factors during the workout. Starting Rx and changing it to scaled should be logged as a scaled.

Use the notes section of Sugarwod.
Don’t give yourself the unnecessary disappointment of a false reduction in performance. When re-testing workouts, you’ll want to know what to compare to the last time you did that particular workout.
Athlete: “Last time I did this I was way faster!”
Coach: Did you do HSPU or Pushups last time?
Athlete: “Ahhhh, I think I did pike pushups, actually…”

*It’s also REALLY helpful to note if you were feeling under the weather or missed some meals that day, or even felt particularly badass that day and have been consistent with nutrition and training for the last 6 months.

If you are tracking Rx or Scaled correctly and using the notes section, you’ll have accurate records to pull from.

Hold the Standard.
Some movements are harder than others to repeat great reps of. Hip creases may not make it below the knees in every rep of “Karen”, pull-ups can get iffy in the middle of “Murph”. Let the coach help you make the standard.

Coaches are charged with ensuring that multiple people are consistently given a safe, timely-run, and fun class environment. Part of that is making sure your movement is consistent. So if we cue you to squat deeper, don’t take it personally, we just want the best for you, and know that full range of motion makes you healthier and improve your fitness over years.

Measurement gave us what fitness is today. It’s what lets us know we are getting better. It’s what allows us to work hard and reap the benefits “Gainz” as Coach Duncan calls them.

Workouts without measurement take’s us the other way: toward myth, luck and dogma. There be monsters.

Measure everything you can and keep it as accurate as you can. Three months later, retest it the same way, what was the effect. Better, or worse?

Now we have something special. We can change fitness, the world of movement, and our own health with that.


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