Member Spotlight Jeb and Samantha Neel


When did you first come to WLRCF?

J: I first came to WLRCF the first week of January this year.

S: I first came to WLR Crossfit when it had just opened! I loved it then but just wasn”t in a place where I wanted to commit. I was in a lazy phase. Anyways, I came back when my husband started up there. And I was instantly hooked! I guess I”m not in a lazy phase anymore:)

How did you hear about CrossFit and what was your first experience/WOD?

J: I was part of a unique situation. I was going to another box that closed during the holidays. I had visited several boxes around town. I remember vividly when I first stepped foot in WLRCF. I knew immediately that it was the right place for me. Everyone, that I met on my initial visit,was extremely nice, Even the people doing the WOD. It made a great first impression.

S: Well I”d seen a groupon I think…

How many days do you crossfit?

J: I try to crossfit five days a week. (Hopefully throwing in an open box as well)

S: Oh well as many days as I can! I teach spin at Zenspin and I love the mix the each place offers. So sometimes I do both in one day.

What accomplishment are you the most proud of?

J: Without a doubt, I am most proud of participating in the crossfit open this year. You know you”re part of a great gym when other members motivate you to try new things. This was certainly the case. I am so glad that I listened to my friends and signed up to do it. Sure there were some doubts, but getting out of my comfort zone and competing, coupled with the motivation of friends from the box, turned out to be one of the most rewarding experiences I”ve ever been a part of.

S: I”m most proud of doing the Open!


After a hard workout, what is your favorite meal?

J: After a workout I”d say my favorite meal would be steak with any kind of vegetable. (and at least four cups of spinach to keep coach Jeff happy;-)

S: I LOVE to eat! Anything. I”ll eat it. BUT during the week I try to eat as clean as possible and not reward eat after a work out. So if I work out early in the day I try to eat just protein. But in the evening I drink lots if water so that I don”t double up on calories before dinner. On the weekends I”m going to eat a hamburger or pizza. Yes, even after a work out. Sorry I just have to have a cheat!

On a Saturday night, where could we typically find you?

J: On a Saturday night you”d find me hanging out at the house relaxing with my Wife and our dogs Herman and Buzz.

S: I love to be home but I love fantastic food too. So I”ll either Requires States to offer premium assistance and wraparound benefits to all Medicaid beneficiaries who are offered employersponsored (ESI) if it is costeffective to do so, based on current law requirements. be home watching whatever show Jeb and I are currently binging on or we”ll be eating out. We have a great group of friends an we all love to try new restaurants or visit some of our ole standbys.

What is one goal that you are currently working on that you will accomplish before the end of 2014?

J: Goals before the end of 2014 ( the list is long, but here are a few) Muscle up Really work on my form on Overhead Squat, Squat clean,  Sub four minute Fran.

S: Really I just want to get really awesome at anything that could possibly be in next years Open. Muscle ups? Out lift Jeb and Brooke? Geeez they”re strong!

Is there anything else you would like to say?

J: Another thing I would like to add is the people at WLRCF are some of the best people I”ve ever met. Not only are the coaches extremely knowledgeable and processional they also care about every individual on a personal level that walks through that door. The other members of the box are tremendous as well. There is constant encouragement and cheering. Members make it a point to not only introduce themselves to new faces, but to introduce new comers to other members as well. These things are why WLRCF is a true diamond in the ruff. It without a doubt is a family. A family that I am extremely proud to be a part of!

S: I”d like to say that I love WLR Crossfit! I love the people and the trainers! I love the changes I”ve seen in my body and in my spirit! I most love the community we feel a part of now!

We are proud to have you both Jeb and Samantha! Keep rocking the GAINZ!



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