I’ve heard about “safe spaces.” A place that is free of bias, conflict, criticism, or potentially threatening actions, ideas, or conversations”. It sounds useful.
I want to propose another safe space—my office.
In this safe space, we will say and do whatever is on our minds and needs to be said.
We’ll confront the lies we tell ourselves.
- “I need to finish first to be significant.”
- “I can feel beautiful only when I have no cellulite, none, not even that little bit only I know about.”
- “I’m no good because {insert whatever silly rule you need to meet before allowing yourself to feel joy}.”
We’ll confront the lies, but we’ll face the truth too.
- You have time to invest in yourself. You have all the time you’ll ever get, and you’re probably spending a lot of it on TikTok.
- No one eats “pretty good.” Some learn to track food, build calorie awareness, and lead normal lives while growing leaner and stronger.
- You’re not special. Every soul is equally and infinitely unique, but your body problem is solvable. It can be solved FAST if you want a pro to clear the road and show you the way.
We tell the truth, and don’t use softeners and dull things down.
No one has an “okay week” on achieving their best life.
You have an incredible week or a week of necessary, important learning that will guide you better in your next week.
In my safe space, you get the most out of the program.
You get to decide if this space is true/false, good or bad; I’m here to guide you so you can make those decisions and take actions that lead you into the future you want to be a part of.
GROWTH is the ultimate safe space. Fire is scary until you learn how to use it. Then, it builds civilizations.
Play with fire. Try it on for size.
My office is always open.
Unless, of course, I’m on a call with my obnoxiously loud speakerphone turned up.
In that case, you can email me. [email protected]