You Can’t Just Change the World

I don’t know how many of you will truly be in a position to directly save the world. I don’t know if one thing you do will be “the one thing” that alters the course of human history.

But if we’re willing to accept that our waistline is a reflection of our daily habits and actions.

Our wealth is a reflection of our daily habits and actions.

Our skills and abilities are a reflection of our daily habits and actions,

Then it stands to reason that this sphere only expands outward. When the daily habits and actions of people who want a better world for those around them combine to create an unstoppable force, a critical mass must eventually be reached.

Then, the world will look very different than it did one hundred, or even fifty years ago, which I’m happy to report that, it does.



Originally published on, Oct 23


Abuse, and CrossFit

Jeanie sat across the consult office from me; her eyes watered as my clients were laughing and warming up outside the open door. I’d asked

You Don’t Have Time to Read This

Everybody has time- Whatever we build with that time will cost us our lives. Dive with me into the stagnant pond of my mind. Below


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