New Strength starts this week!
Hit all three of the following before sunday 7/14/13
A.) back or front squat 4×9 @70%
B.) strict press 5×5 @ 70% “Core-tight, butt-tight!”
C.) deadlift 4×5 @ 80%
* if you have not completed CF total, do so and complete the strength with your % based off of your CF total lifts.
10:00 warm up
20:00 strength
5:00 cool down of rowing or turkish get up practice
“little brown rhinos”
OH Squat 115/75
Toes to Bar
Scaling :
OH Squat -> Front Squat -> OH squat with weighted pipe or pvc
Toes to bar-> Chest to knees sit up (no arm throw)->Knees to elbow ->reverse sit up (straight leg lift)