Main – WOD
(No Measure)
Movement review:
-Goblet squat
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
100 Goblet Squats
75 KBS
50 Thrusters
75 KBS
100 Goblet Squats
Rx =
50% Thruster 1RM
Time Cap = 20:00
*2 person teams (half the reps if going individual). 2 barbells and KBs per team. 1 partner performs 5 reps then the other partner performs 5 reps. You must complete all of the reps at each station before moving on to the next movement.
Cash Out
30 sitting med ball passes with partner (30 each)
*You and a partner will chest pass a medball back and forth while sitting upright on the floor (long sitting).